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treatment for psoas pain

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Many of you may dislike taking medicines for every discomfort and muscle pain in your body. Alternative therapy, such as acupuncture and cupping, can help you in this situation.

Both of these techniques are really efficient at releasing muscle tension and making you feel more relaxed. These techniques can help you if you have psoas discomfort all the time. However, some of you may not know what psoas is, and that’s fine.

Here’s everything you need to know about the psoas.

What Is Psoas Pain/Syndrome and Its Symptoms?

The psoas is a pelvic muscle. Your lower back and upper thigh are connected by this muscle. In simple terms, the psoas is responsible for your ability to pick up objects. By flexing the hip joint and elevating the upper leg towards the torso, this muscle operates. Walking is a common example of the movement performed by this muscle.

Psoas syndrome is a rare and frequently misdiagnosed disorder characterized by refractory lower back pain (pain that persists despite treatment) and other symptoms. The condition occurs when the psoas muscle is injured.

There could be no known reason for psoas syndrome. In patients who are immune-compromised due to transplant, cancer, or infectious causes, it’s important to check for an infectious cause or psoas muscle myositis (weakness) that presents in a similar way.

Psoas pain is more common in people who work at a desk and spend the most of their time sitting in a chair. Because muscle shortening restricts hip movement and causes other muscles to tighten, this is the case.

Psoas syndrome can manifest in a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Lower back discomfort is the most common symptom, though it can be caused by a variety of illnesses.
  • When sitting or changing positions arising from sitting to standing, pain in the lumbosacral area (the border between the lower section of the spine and the buttocks) might radiate up to the lumbar vertebrae or down to the sacrum.
  • Standing in a fully upright position is difficult/painful.
  • Buttocks discomfort
  • Pain radiates down the leg
  • Pain in the groin
  • Pelvic discomfort
  • When you walk, you may have a limping or shuffling stride.

Alternative Treatment For Psoas Pain


Trigger points must first be discovered before acupuncture for psoas release can begin. The practitioner will look for tight muscle bands that are causing you pain. This takes some time, but once you’ve located all of the points, the remainder of the process is straightforward.

Acupuncturists will place needles at trigger points and leave them there for a while. When the needles are removed, the muscle tension is also alleviated. People who receive acupuncture for their psoas have reported a considerable reduction in discomfort and a speedy recovery of motor capabilities.

In minor circumstances, one treatment may be sufficient to provide long-term relief. If you have a psoas injury, though, you will need to see an acupuncturist on a regular basis for a while.


Cupping for psoas is getting increasingly popular these days. Psoas pain not only limits your movement but also impairs your body’s blood flow. Muscle tension is relieved and muscles begin to relax when hot cups are applied to the lower back.

The psoas relaxes as a result of cupping because it allows more blood to flow to the muscles. This aids in their oxygenation, allowing them to work with less effort. It also helps restore muscle function by drawing filthy blood and toxins from the muscles.

That’s all you need to know about acupuncture and cupping for the psoas. These techniques should be tried if you have psoas pain. It is efficient and guaranteed to relieve your pain.

If you want to try acupuncture and cupping therapy for psoas, visit Acupuncture Halls in San Juan Capistrano, California. This clinic has a board certified licensed doctor and gives the best psoas pain therapy. You can also make an appointment by filling out the Acupuncture Halls Contact Form or call 949-510-6333.