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acupuncture boost immune system

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It is very important to maintain a healthy immune system at all times of the year, especially during times of pandemic. Late fall and winter, also known as cold and flu season, provide an additional reason to keep your body’s defenses strong. At the surface level, your skin, mucous membranes, and even nasal hairs and eyelashes all work to protect your body from sickness. But, once a pathogen (disease-causing material) has gained access to the body, it is up to your cells to protect you. Acupuncture encourages these disease-fighting cells to do their finest work and keep you healthy.

Acupuncture has been found in clinical research to help prevent colds, limit infection transmission, and shorten the length of illness. By activating and balancing the immune system, acupuncture therapy can cure a wide range of health issues, including immunological insufficiency. In patients with immune-related illnesses, acupuncture can help to strengthen a damaged immune system by raising red and white cell counts, T-cell counts, and enhancing humoral and cellular immunity.

Factors That Can Weaken Your Immune System

Your immune system can be weakened in a variety of ways. Here are some of the factors that can affect it.

Lack of Sleep

You’re more likely to catch viruses or infections if you don’t get enough sleep. You might also take longer to improve. This is because your body is unable to produce as many infection-fighting cells and proteins known as antibodies, which aid in disease defense. Only during sleep does your body release cytokines, which are immune-boosting proteins.

Stress and Anxiety

Worry and stress aren’t effective germ killers. In as little as 30 minutes, having worrisome thoughts will decrease your immune response. Constant stress has an even greater impact, making it more difficult to fight the flu, herpes, shingles, and other diseases. If you can’t seem to get rid of your anxiety or it’s interfering with your daily life, see your doctor.

Low Vitamin D Levels

You may already be aware that it is necessary for strong bones and healthy blood cells. Vitamin D, on the other hand, can help your immune system. Eggs, fatty fish, and fortified meals like milk and cereal include it. Another important source is sunlight. In the summer, 5-15 minutes of exposure to the sun on your hands, face, and arms 2-3 times per week is usually sufficient. In the cold, you may require a little extra.

Lack of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables may help in the production of white blood cells, which are necessary for fighting illnesses. Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds, are high in zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, and other minerals essential for good health. Plant-based foods are also high in fiber, which helps lower your body fat percentage and boosts your immune system.

Not Getting Outdoors Enough

T-cells, which help your immune system fight illness, may be energized by sunlight. However, there are other advantages to being outside. Many plants in the woods produce phytoncides and other compounds that you inhale that appear to help your immune system.

Certain Medications

Allergy, arthritis, lupus, IBS, and organ transplant medications are among them. Corticosteroids, TNF inhibitors, and chemotherapy for cancer are only a few examples. Before changing any prescription medicine, see your doctor.

The following are symptoms of a weakened immune system.

  • Colds and flus on a regular basis (more than 2-3 times per year)
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Hair or skin that is unhealthy
  • Injuries heal slowly
  • Digestive issues

How Does Acupuncture Help Boost The Immune System?

Acupuncture therapy is one of the best ways to strengthen your body’s defenses. Treatments with acupuncture lower stress, which is a key role in the immune system’s ability to fight illness. Acupuncture activates and balances the immune system, allowing you to build a strong defense against any diseases you may encounter.

Acupuncture is a technique that includes placing very thin needles into acupuncture points all throughout the body to stimulate them. Acupuncture point groups are chosen based on the signs and symptoms you are experiencing at the time of treatment.

Acupuncture boosts the number of immune cells in your body, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and T-cells. It also boosts the body’s defenses and improves immunity in people with immune-related disorders by stimulating these cells to replicate and multiply.

If you are looking for a way to provide your body with additional support in boosting your immune system and want to try acupuncture, visit Acupuncture Halls clinic in San Juan Capistrano. Make an appointment here or call 949-510-6333.