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acupuncture for athletes

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Athletes confront a variety of physical obstacles, such as weariness, discomfort, and injury. Sports medicine is a dynamic area that tries to prevent and treat disorders that are frequent among athletes.

Acupuncture may be an avenue to explore. Many pro athletes, sports clubs and sporting events utilize acupuncture to enhance athletic performance and to increase recovery times.

It is an effective, personalized, non-pharmaceutical and non-surgical method of therapeutic treatment. As a holistic alternative or complement to Western medicine, it works to restore the body’s natural state of balance by accessing your own ability to heal.

Every athlete’s wellness routine should include this. Because they don’t understand how acupuncture works, many individuals overlook it as a treatment choice for athletic recovery and performance. It’s a safe and natural way to relieve pain while also addressing the underlying causes of sports injuries and pain.

Benefits of Acupuncture Therapy for Athletes

Here are some of the benefits of acupuncture therapy for athletes.

Improved Blood Flow

When the needles stimulate the acupuncture points, the body produces more nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes and widens blood vessels, allowing the arteries to open up. The procedure improves blood circulation and cardiovascular health by allowing more blood to circulate to the heart and other organs.

Muscle Relaxation

Tight muscles relax and inflammation decreases as blood flow increases throughout the body. Muscle soreness is reduced as a result of reducing tiredness and strain.

Rapid Recovery

Acupuncture treatments between training sessions and after a race help to reduce muscle tiredness and soreness, increase energy, and speed up recuperation. It also encourages a deeper, more peaceful sleep, which allows muscle tissue to heal and energy to replenish.

Helps Relieve Pain

Acupuncture relieves pain by lowering inflammation and the swelling and redness that come with it. It also encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Because endorphins function at the source of pain, they provide quick and long-lasting relief. You may always rely on acupuncture as a medically effective alternative for pain reduction, whether your discomfort is caused by a strained muscle or intense workouts.

It Accelerates Healing

Acupuncture improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves spasms, and reduces inflammation, all of which serve to speed up healing. It stimulates anatomic areas known as acupuncture points, which improve the body’s functions and boost the natural self-healing process. The stimulation of acupuncture points is accomplished by inserting thin, sterilized needles into the skin. Other acupuncture stimulation techniques that facilitate quick recovery from injury include cupping, heat therapy, and the application of topical herbal medicines.

Increased Flexibility

Due to the decreased length of the muscle, tightened muscles might limit an athlete’s range of motion. You increase your chances of injury, suffering, and time-consuming rehabilitation if you push yourself to the limit with limited mobility. Sterile acupuncture needles pierce the skin and fascia, loosening the muscles. This forces your muscles to return to their natural posture, increasing your mobility and range of motion.

Energy and Endurance Enhancement

Acupuncture therapy can help athletes perform better because it regulates the neurological system, which promotes energy and stamina. It improves energy flow by targeting acupuncture points associated with liver and lung functions, as well as the digestive system. This can assist in the removal of blockages and other metabolic wastes from the body, resulting in an increase in energy and endurance. Acupuncture stimulates meridians, causing blood flow to rise. Increased blood flow carries oxygen and important nutrients to your body’s numerous organs, allowing you to generate more energy.

Injury Prevention

Acupuncture can detect weak spots in your body that require special attention. Over-the-counter pain relievers can temporarily cover the discomfort, but they put you at risk of further harm. Acupuncture, unlike medication, treats the fundamental cause of your problem by improving awareness of what your body requires to prevent new injuries. Acupuncture aids in the strengthening of your immune system, which aids in the battle against illnesses. This allows you to stay in top physical shape throughout the year, both during the season and off.

Increased Mental Clarity and Focus

Athletes who receive regular acupuncture sessions feel energized during the day and sleep better at night of over reduction in anxiety. All of these factors play a significant role in promoting better mental clarity and focus. A healthy mind goes well with a healthy body since your ability to focus on tasks correlates to your performance. Acupuncture can help remove any extraneous distractions that may limit your capabilities and mental focus in the field.

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Enhance Athletic Performance

1. It Can Help You Recover Quickly

Athletes understand that injury is an inevitable aspect of the game, and the good news is that acupuncture can assist. These treatments can help you recover faster from an injury by reducing inflammation, which is especially beneficial for sprains and strains, muscle discomfort, and tendonitis.

2. It Can Eliminate The Need For Rest

Getting acupuncture after a strenuous workout is beneficial because it helps release muscles and reduce pain, reducing the need for rest and eliminating the need to take a day off to recover. Because acupuncture efficiently cures aching muscles, you will be able to continue your training and keep your fitness plan.

3. It Can Improve Flexibility And Increase Muscle Activation

Motor point acupuncture is used to help with these aspects as the motor point is where the brain attaches to the muscle through the motor nerve. The needles are used to stimulate a motor point, which will reboot muscle activation by deactivating tightness and strengthening the muscles that are weak.

4. It Can Provide You With Pain Relief

When it comes to pain, some athletes believe acupuncture to be more helpful than medication, and studies suggest that this treatment can provide rapid pain relief. This can vary depending on the intensity of your discomfort and the issue being treated, but most athletes will notice a difference within a half-hour of finishing their session. This type of relief can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

5. It Can Help Prevent Injury

Acupuncture has the ability to reawaken weak muscles and reduce muscle tension, making it an excellent injury prevention tool. While stretching before and after exercise is always recommended, acupuncture can be incorporated into your regimen to help prevent injury.

If you live in the San Juan Capistrano area or neighboring places such as Dana Point or San Clemente, you can visit the Acupuncture Halls clinic for acupuncture therapy for athletes. We have a board certified licensed acupuncturist who can assist you with your health problems. You can schedule an appointment here or by calling 949-510-6333.