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Moxibustion: How Does It Work and Benefits

Moxibustion: How Does It Work and Benefits

Moxibustion is a TCM technique in which mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris), a small spongy herb, is burned in specific acupoints on the body to aid healing. Warming the meridians, improving blood circulation, dispelling cold and dampness, and strengthening the immune system...
Health Benefits of Herbal Teas

Health Benefits of Herbal Teas

Herbal tea is a great beverage at any temperature and may be drunk year-round, whether you want something to warm you up in the winter or cool you down in the summer. The health benefits are the same whether you drink it hot or cold, but they vary greatly depending on...
Acupuncture for Athletes

Acupuncture for Athletes

Athletes confront a variety of physical obstacles, such as weariness, discomfort, and injury. Sports medicine is a dynamic area that tries to prevent and treat disorders that are frequent among athletes. Acupuncture may be an avenue to explore. Many pro athletes,...