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foods that improve gut health

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Our gut health is a key factor in determining our overall health. Just as important as what we eat is what we digest.

Choosing to eat a clean diet that contains enough of each macro and micronutrient is necessary for supporting all bodily functions. However, if we are unable to effectively break down food into its nutritious components because of poor gut health, we won’t be able to maintain a healthy body and mind.

If we follow a diet that includes the foods on the following list, we will quickly enjoy the benefits of a healthy stomach.

Fermented Foods

fermented foods

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Gut-health superstars include fermented foods like tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso. Probiotics, along with other beneficial acids and B vitamins, are produced when food is fermented. By supporting the generation of pancreatic enzymes and adequate levels of stomach acid, all of these nutrients contribute to better digestive health.

Wild Caught Seafood

wild caught seafood

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Seafood that has been caught in the wild is high in minerals, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. To further promote gut healing, make sure to choose wild-caught seafood with minimal mercury content, such as salmon, oysters, scallops, cod, and trout.

Bone Broth

bone broth

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This nourishing cuisine offers vital minerals and amino acids that can help mend the stomach lining while also calming the digestive system.

Coconut Products

coconut products

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MCTs, or medium chain triglycerides, are present in coconut and are fantastic for promoting gut health. MCTs contribute to improved gut lining integrity and a decrease in inflammation.

Lauric acid, which can be found in coconut products, is praised for its capacity to eradicate dangerous bacteria and yeast, including candida.

Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

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When it comes to digestive health, apple cider vinegar, or ACV, has many benefits. The vinegar’s acid contributes to increased stomach acid production. This enables us to effectively digest and absorb nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins.



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Ginger is essential for gut health due to its well-known benefits for calming an upset stomach and preventing motion sickness. Antiviral, antiparasitic, and antifungal substances are present in this therapeutic root. Ginger is an effective inflammatory-buster and immune-booster in addition to being able to kill off the harmful bacteria that might affect us in our gut. Complete gut healing is possible once inflammation has been minimized and our immune system has been boosted.

Soup and Stew

vegetable rich soup

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An irritated gut can often be soothed by stews and soups. Raw veggies can be difficult to digest for many people with leaky gut or SIBO, which can lead to increased intestinal inflammation. But our need for vegetables remains! Soup enters the picture here. Making a pot of vegetable-rich soup or stew allows us to give our digestive systems a little rest while still consuming the recommended amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals for a healthy body.

Herbal Teas

cup of peppermint tea

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Herbal teas have been used for several purposes, including improving digestion, enhancing feelings of relaxation, supporting immune health, and promoting sleep. Here are several herbal teas that can improve digestion, promote healing, or calm and soothe an inflamed digestive tract.

  • Calendula Tea
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Fennel Tea
  • Licorice Tea
  • Ginger Tea
  • Peppermint Tea

The Acupuncture Halls clinic in San Juan Capistrano, California, near to the cities of Dana Point and San Clemente, offers a variety of herbal teas. To address your specific health care needs, the clinic provides a wide selection of herbal supplements, teas, vitamins and minerals.  For appointments or any inquiries call 949-510-6333 or reach the clinic via contact form here.